Privacy Policy

Pursuant to the provisions of Law 15/1999 of 13 December on Data Protection, the visitor is informed that the personal data to which access is gained in the framework of the company-client relationship will probably be processed for the sole purpose of providing the service entrusted in the most efficient way possible. Such personal data will be incorporated into the CUSTOMERS AND SUPPLIERS file, which is the responsibility of WOLROC 2015 S.L.. The purpose of the collection of this data will be the MANAGEMENT OF CUSTOMERS AND SUPPLIERS, STORAGE OF THEIR DATA FOR THE PURPOSE OF EXECUTING THE SERVICES CONTRACTED BY THEM, AS WELL AS PROVIDING TECHNICAL AND PERSONAL MEANS OF PRODUCTION TO THE COMPANY FOR THE ACHIEVEMENT OF ITS SOCIAL PURPOSES, ADVERTISING AND COMMERCIAL PROSPECTION, depending on the service contracted by the customer The consent provider does so in order to know the commercial offer of WOLAIR, regardless of whether the contact concludes or not in the contracting of the company’s own services, assuming the possibility that their data may be used in accordance with the purpose of the file, for the commercial prospecting. The recipients of this information will be the data processors authorized by WOLROC 2015 S.L., who will responsibly process the data in accordance with the purpose of the file and in relation to the work or service entrusted by the client, always respecting the confidentiality of the information. The answer to the questions that the person in charge of the file asks the signatory for the collection of these data is completely optional. The consequence of obtaining data correctly or there is a refusal to provide them will only result in the incorrect provision of services completely exonerating WOLROC 2015 S.L. of the erroneous provision that may arise. The undersigned authorizes WOLROC 2015 S.L. to submit through forms or instances their personal data necessary to complete these to all types of administrative entities, public law at local, regional and state level, when necessary for the provision of the services entrusted. By signing this informed consent, WOLROC 2015 S.L… is authorized to transfer the data to other professionals, Wolroc’s own tax and accounting advisors, transporters of the material related to the contracted service, and technical personnel who must act in the execution of the work, when necessary in order to obtain the best development of the work indicated, although such transfer will only be made when strictly necessary. The consent provider may exercise their rights of access, rectification, cancellation or opposition at any time by requesting it in writing, or in person at WOLROC 2015 S.L. at the address:

C/GARCIA LUNANo5PISO 1oCC.P.28002 de Madrid Telephone +34 91 872 56 36The

consent given herein is understood to be free and informed, in the sense that the interested party knows prior to the processing of personal data knows the purposes for which the same occurs, knowing in turn, and having been informed, of the extremes contained in Article 5.1 of the Organic Law.