Commercial elevators

Difference between elevator and lift: which is the best option for you?

Updated: 22-08-2024

At Wolair, we are often asked, “What is the difference between elevator and lift?” and “What should I choose for my space?”. Whether it’s single-family homes, condominiums or commercial spaces, we’re here to help you make the best decision.

Elevator vs. Lift: main differences

Speed and maintenance

  • Elevators: They are generally faster and are designed to handle a higher volume of traffic. They require monthly maintenance checks due to their intensive use and complex components.
  • Lifts: They have a lower speed and require quarterly maintenance. They are ideal for spaces with less demand for use, such as single-family homes.

Technical and construction requirements

  • Single-family lifts have simpler technical requirements and consume less energy compared to conventional elevators. This is due to their reduced size and simplified design, which also results in lower installation and maintenance costs.
  • In addition, the lifts require less space for installation, with minimum gaps of up to 75 centimeters, and can be panoramic, offering 360º visibility.

Versatility and applications

Residential lifts are not exclusive to villas; they can also be installed in duplexes and triplexes, thanks to their low weight. They are also an excellent option for public buildings and commercial premises, helping to eliminate architectural barriers and improving accessibility.

Considerations to take into account before choosing between elevator and lift

When deciding between an elevator and a lift, it is crucial to consider several factors, such as location, total travel, and anticipated traffic. For example, if the equipment will be installed in a high-rise building with a lot of traffic, an elevator might be the better choice because of its ability to handle more passengers and its higher speed. On the other hand, if you are looking for a solution for a single-family home or a building with less use, a lift might be more suitable due to its lower cost and ease of installation.

In short, the choice between an elevator and a lift will depend on your specific needs and the context in which the equipment will be installed. At Wolair, we are here to help you make the best decision, ensuring that you choose the option that best suits your needs and budget. We hope you now have a better idea of the difference between elevator and lift and which one is right for you!