Residential elevators

Elevator installation without construction work: fast and uncomplicated

Updated: 22-08-2024

Is your home no longer keeping pace with your needs? If you are looking to improve accessibility without major renovations, installing an elevator without construction is the ideal solution. At Wolair, we offer elevators that combine advanced technology, safety and aesthetic design.

Wolair elevators and elevators are a quick and uncomplicated solution to improve the accessibility of your building. The elevators without construction work are designed to adapt to any type of construction, especially old buildings, but also in single-family homes or small communities, because they do not require major renovations. With advanced technologies and modular systems, it is possible to install an elevator quickly and cleanly.

Elevator installation process without construction work

The installation of an elevator without building work involves the use of self-supporting structures, eliminating the need for major modifications to the building structure. This process ensures fast and efficient installation, with minimal disruption to residents and visitors.

If your home no longer keeps pace with your needs and you are still not sure that a pneumatic vacuum lifter is the best option for your home, you can contact us, we will inform you in detail and we will study your needs with pleasure, without any commitment. Because for us the most important thing is your satisfaction… We bring the future of lifting to your home!

Benefits of pneumatic elevators without construction work

In Wolair we are experts in elevation and architectural solutions, so we offer an elevator that brings together all these advantages, and many others, some of them focused in turn on the advantages offered by the Wolair elevators due to its operation and that are the most requested in single-family homes.

100% environmentally friendly technology

Surely you like to live in a clean environment, and installing an elevator without building work does not have to prevent you from doing so. Our elevators work with Vacuum technology, which generates a pressure difference in the elevator compartments, causing the elevator to ascend or descend with the force of the air, making it a clean technology.

Maximum safety

The elevator has floor brakes to anchor the cabin at each level, as well as locks for emergency situations, so that if there is a power failure in the house, the pneumatic vacuum elevator slowly descends to the lower floor, ensuring the safety of the passengers. This system is currently considered the safest on the market.

Reduced consumption

It is plugged to 230V to the own current of the house. Thanks to the Vacuum technology used and to the materials of which it is composed, during the ascent the consumption is minimal and during the descent it is null.

Reduced installation space

In order to be installed in the vast majority of homes, and not interfere with the architecture of the house, the pneumatic elevator requires a fairly small space, so it will be easier to find the ideal place for installation.

The elevator inside will be spacious enough for passengers to be transported comfortably, also with a wheelchair in the case of people with reduced mobility, for whom a single-family elevator is an optimal solution that guarantees their accessibility.

Easy installation and maintenance without any construction work

These are pitless pneumatic elevators, with a simple installation above ground level, which do not require machine room, lubricants, pulleys or gears for their operation. Installation time is minimal, only 48 hours, as well as maintenance costs, since the main components of the pneumatic elevator are aluminum and polycarbonate, hardly susceptible to wear and tear.

Design in accordance with the dwelling

That the elevator does not clash with the aesthetics of the house is a factor that our customers take into account. All our pneumatic elevators are manufactured with high quality materials and with different finishes. Aesthetic options that integrate harmoniously with the decoration of the home, offering a panoramic and elegant design.